Our Services
With offerings ranging from General to Specialized Services, Columbia Physical Therapy accommodates all forms of care.

Head & Neck
Head & Neck
Facial and Neck Pain
Disc Dysfunction
Nerve Compression leading to arm numbness and weakness
Postural Problems and Stiffness
Rotator Cuff Tendonitis and Injuries
Bicep Tendonitis
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Collar Bone Stiffness and Pain
Frozen Shoulder


Elbows & Hands
Elbows & Hands
Golfer's Elbow
Tennis Elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Thumb (CMC) Dysfunction/Pain
Finger Injuries / Stiffness
Wrist Stiffness / Pain
Low Back
Disc Dysfunction
Sacroiliac Dysfunction
Strains and Sprains
Posture Problems and Stiffness
Pregnancy Related Pain

Low Back

Hips & Knees
Hips & Knees
Sciatica / Sacroiliac Dysfunction
Hip Tendonitis
Iliotibial band (ITB) Tightness and Pain
Patellofemoral Syndrome/ Patellar
Tracking Problems
Meniscus Pain
Ligament Injuries
Knock Knee’d
Feet & Ankles
Plantar Fasciitis
Achilles Tendonitis
Heel Cord Tightness
Stiffness in the Arches and Ankles
Over Pronation or Supination

Feet & Ankles

Aquatic Therapy
Aquatic Therapy
Aquatic therapy provides an exceptional and unique environment for promoting normal movement patterns and building strength, usually with pain reduction, while minimizing the risk of further injury. In many cases, it is the only alternative for rehabilitation when land-based programs have not provided adequate results.
Pediatric Physical Therapy
We know that you want the very best for your family. Our therapists have the training and experience to work with children of all ages. Children referred for our services receive child centered therapy designed to meet the child at their stage of development and take them beyond by delivering personally tailored care.

Pediatric Physical Therapy

Work Conditioning & Hardening
Work Conditioning & Hardening
Work conditioning is an individualized rehabilitation program designed to prepare the injured worker to return to work. Workers’ rehabilitation programs are based on their limitations and the demands of their specific occupation. The program typically consists of strength, conditioning, and flexibility exercises as well as some work simulated activities. Work conditioners participate in this program 3-5 days per week for 1-2 hours each day. Additionally, they may be asked to do some home exercises.
Balance & Gait Training
Balance problems, dizziness, and vertigo can interrupt daily life and put you at an increased risk for falls. Among the services we offer are treatments to improve your balance, increase your independence and safety, and treat vertigo (if needed).

Balance & Gait Training

Functional Capacities Evaluation
Functional Capacities Evaluation
A physical capacities evaluation is a comprehensive four-hour test used to determine a person’s current working abilities. Years of experience and extensive continuing education in this area help to ensure that our evaluations are comprehensive and useful. We use the latest methods to determine consistency of effort and validity in testing.
Other Therapies
Balance Problems
Neuromuscular Dysfunctions
Parkinson’s Disease
Posture Problems
Pregnancy Related Pain
Abdominal Scar Tissue/ Adhesions

Other Therapies